Understanding Computer Hardware
Understanding of hardware or in the Indonesian language is also called the name of the hardware is one component of a computer that is the nature of his instrument can be seen and touched by humans in the form of direct or real, which serves to support the process of computerization.
Hardware can work on orders that have been determined there is to it, or also referred to by the term instruction sets. With the commands that can be understood by the hardware, the hardware can perform a variety of activities that have been specified by the command.
Physically, the computer consists of several components, which is a system. The system is the components work together to form a union. If one component does not work, will result in the malfunction of a computer properly. Computer components are included in the category of hardware elements (hardware). Based on its function, the computer hardware is divided into:
1. divice input (input units)
2. Process devices (processing units)
3. Output devices (unit output)
4. Backing Storage (storage unit)
5. Peripherals (additional unit)
basic components of a computer that consists of input, process, output and storage. Input device consists of a keyboard and mouse, Process devices are microprocessor (ALU, Internal Communication, Registers and Control section), Output devices consist of a monitor and printer, external memory storage consists of hard disk, floppy drive, CD ROM, magnetic tape. Internal storage memory comprises RAM and ROM. While Peripheral Device component is an additional component or as a component that does not exist or not exist previously. Peripheral Component's an example: TV Tuner Card, Modem, Capture Card.
1. Input Unit (Input Device)
This unit serves as a medium for entering data from the outside in a memory and processor to be processed to produce the required information. Input devices or input units are commonly used personal computers (PCs) is a keyboard and mouse, keyboard and mouse is a unit that connects the user (users) with a computer. In addition there is the joystick, which is used for playing games or games with the computer. Then the scanner, to take pictures as digital images that can later be manipulated. Touch panel, using a finger touch user can perform a file access process. Microphone, to record the sound into the computer.
Serves as a media input device to input data from external systems into a memory and processor to be processed and produce the necessary information. Data entered into the computer system to form an input signal and maintenance inputs. Signal input form data entered into the computer system, while maintenance input shaped the program used to process the data entered. So in addition to input devices used to input data can also be used to enter the program. Based on its nature, the input devices can be classified into two namely:
• peratalan direct input, the input is entered directly processed by the processing equipment. For example: keyboard, mouse, touch screen, light pen, digitizer graphics tablet, scanner.
• Equipment indirect input, input via a particular medium before an input is processed by the processing equipment. Examples: punched cards, floppy disks, hard disk.
Units input or the input device is composed of several kinds of devices are:
a. Keyboard
The keyboard is the most important input unit in a data processing by computer. The keyboard can function enter letters, numbers, special characters and as a medium for the user (users) to perform other commands are needed, such as saving files and opening files. Creation of a computer keyboard comes from the typewriter model created and patented by Christopher Latham in 1868, and in 1887 the company produced and marketed by Remington. Digunakanan current keyboard is a QWERTY type, in 1973, the keyboard is inaugurated as the standard keyboard ISO (International Standards Organization). Number of keys on the keyboard this time amounted to 104 keys. Keyboard now that we know has some kind of port, ie serial port, ps2, usb and wireless.
Keyboard Types:
2.) Dvorak
The keyboard is usually used is a QWERTY style keyboard, which is shaped like keys on a typewriter. QWERTY keyboard has four parts:
1. typewriter key
2. numeric key
3. function key
4. special function keys.
b. Mouse
Mouse is one unit of input (input device). The function of this tool is to move the pointer or cursor quickly. Also, it can as a practical command and faster than with a keyboard. Mouse began to use the most since the operating system has been based GUI (Graphical User Interface). electrical signals as a mouse input device is generated by a small ball inside the mouse, in accordance with the shifts or movement. Most of the mouse consists of three buttons, typically only two buttons are used, namely the left and right buttons. When this mouse is also equipped with rollers button (scroll), where the location of this button located in the middle. The term suppression is called by clicking the left button (Click) where the emphasis is going to function when the mouse is at a designated object, but if not in a designated object of this emphasis will be ignored. In addition there is also another term called the move (drag) that is pressing the left mouse button without releasing it with while being moved. This drag will cause the object will be moved or copied to another object and other possibilities. The emphasis of the left mouse button twice quickly and regularly called on double click (double click) while pressing the right mouse button once called the right-click (right click) Mouse consists of several ports of serial mouse, mouse ps / 2, usb and wireless
Posted by electronic at 3:47 AM
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