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An Email Marketing Program Helps Electronics and Technology Stores

Your online or bricks and mortar electronics outlet may already be using an email marketing program to promote its products and keep in subscriber with current customers. But, how can you maximize the potential of this tool to create greater sales growth on a more consistent basis? One way to enhance your use of email marketing program is through expanding your subscriber list. Growing your subscriber list through promotions and contests can increase your potential for sales. I'm sure I don't have to tell you why that's where you want to be.One effectual way to amplify your subscriber list with an email marketing program is to have contests, online or in your store. This form of promotion will act as an incentive for your customers to sign up to your mailing list. Your online store can place a sign-up box on its website, asking visitors to sign up to receive promotional offers. You can offer a free TV, computer, gaming system, or entertainment center. Give away whatever you can, depending on your budget. Just make sure the prize is relevant to your target audience, to ensure higher numbers are signing up.Another way for an online store to increase sign-ups is through a "forward to friends" contest. This can be done from your website or from the emails that you send to your existing subscriber list from your email marketing program. The contest winners are those that sign up the most "friends" or "forward" the most emails. The better email marketing program solutions will offer you the option to automatically add a 'Forward to a Friend' link at the bottom of your emails. The very best email marketing program will even track which of your subscribers clicked on that link and forwarded your email contest to their friends.In-store promotions and contests are quite similar. The only difference is that you have to present the promotion within your email campaigns, and not on your website. You will also provide the opportunity to sign up in store through an application form, or by dropping off their business cards. Within you email send outs you can also add the "forward to friends" promotion. email marketing program can track your subscribers' "clicks" to determine the winner of the contests.Once you have a bigger audience, you can consistently promote and continually grow your database while also increasing your sales. Developing a plan to enhance your consumer base can have other positive effects too. If your contest becomes consistent (once a year, or one in summer/one in winter) you will create "a buzz" around your store.This is a really big deal!Having customers anticipating your promotions is the best way to increase your brand recognition and image to the public. You will have a competitive edge against the big box stores, and as an independently-owned electronics retailer you can't ask for a better way to stay ahead of the conglomerates. So you're well on your way to being one of the giants.You've already seen how email marketing program can help you keep in contact with your current customers, so why not maximize the potential of your on-line or in-store electronics and technology store by using it to grow your subscriber list? The contests and promotions you establish through email marketing program will expand your number of subscribers as well as promote your brand name.The bottom-line is that more subscribers translate to more potential sales.
